=0D =0D Chuck, =0D Waaaaaaaaay too laid back. We need Harv Sachs and Pergolizzi's sty le of auction with lots of yelling & screaming!
Mike Schmidt
New York, NY but maybe stuck in Orlando til the big blow is over
On Thu Aug 25 3:04 , Chuck Schmidt <chuckschmidt@earthlink.net> se nt:
oroboyz@aol.com wrote:
> << Is the CdO Cirque weekend, with its one day
> better for the long term than just a free for all?&g
> Actually Tom, the Cirque swap meet is open to anythi
> bicycle related. I don't enforce that in a heavy han
> stuff is there but the point is made and no shops or
> supposed to be there dumping their stuff. The one ex
> manufacturers reps who are allowed to sell their sam
> Because Greensboro not near a huge population concen
> thar big cities, we just have fewer people attending
> makes the vintage folk more prominent.
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA