Dream on. This sort of lazy promotion of whatever the heck you are selling has no place on this list.
Joe Bender-Zanoni Great Notch, NJ
Earle Young wrote:
>Hi all,
>Sunday marked the retirement ride of my favorite vintage frame, and
>because I cannot afford both modern and vintage, I am selling my
>collection of vintage bike parts. I would like to sell it to one person
>rather than part it out. I would also hope to sell it to somebody who
>would come to Madison to verify condition and take possession.
>In short, I have a v. ugly, but straight 1970 or 71 Peugeot PX-10 frame,
>57 cm c-t-c; and enough vintage parts for two complete bikes and some
>spares. All is from late '70s to early '80s, in good condition and
>top-of-the line for the day, mostly Campagnolo, but with some Simplex
>and some Japanese.
>I am asking $1,000 for the whole mess, which is on the low side of fair,
>I think.
>Contact me off-list if you are seriously interested, and I will send you
>an inventory.
>By the way, the retirement of my frame was celebrated on the Wright
>Stuff Century just west of Madison in the hilly country near Frank Lloyd
>Wright's Taliesin. Just 14 months after being forced off the bicycle by
>severe disc problems, I completed all 106.1 miles, averaging a
>blistering 10 miles per hour on my vintage steel ride.
>Earle Young,
>Madison, WI