Re: [CR] Derbyking

(Example: Books)

From: "stevens" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Derbyking
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 14:38:55 -0700
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

Derby King is owned/operated by Holland Jones, who used to (and maybe still does) own Velo City, on Stanyan Street in the Haight, near Golden Gate Park.

Address information for Derby King (gleaned from Whois info) is:

Derby King Wheels 239 W. 22nd St Chico, CA 95928

The site is run by Henry Kingman, a great BOB-type person who has written for the Riv Reader and BOB Gazette, and used to edit California Bicyclist, if I recall correctly.

More about Henry is here:

With these two involved, I'm sure it's legit.

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:31:33 +0000, gpvb1 wrote
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 11:30:31 -0800
> From: "Jack Gabus" <>
> To: <>
> Cc: Greg Arnold <>
> Subject: [CR]Deryking
> Message-ID:
> Fellow CR'rs
> Has anybody out there had any business dealings with an outfit by
> the name of I have had some e-mailing with them but
> they are a very clandestine bunch. If you have where is the
> mysterious group located (I'm guessing bay area) and what is is with
> there web site?
> Jack (Don't wanna be snookered) Gabus
> Laguna Beach, CA
> Jack:
> That's one unusual website IMO. A whole lot of hand-waving, hocus-
> pocus, and downright BS in some cases.... My recommendation would be
> to proceed with the utmost of caution. (Unless you just *want* to
> pay 150 bucks for an NOS Regina Oro freewheel - one can only imagine
> what the prices are on all the stuff that they won't even show
> prices for). Greg "Whoa" Parker Dexter, Michigan
> _______________________________________________

Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net
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