I straighten forks by clamping the steerer tube in a three jaw chuck in
an 11" x 36" lathe. As close as possible to the crown. A drilled plate
fits under the bed. A threaded 1/2" rod is passed through the hole and
nutted. Center threaded rod between fork legs. Put old axle in drop outs.
Small muffler clamp around axle. Drill 1/2" hole in clamp cross piece.
Thread rod through and nut. Tighten bottom nut until straight, using
lathe bed for distsnce. There will be spring-back to allow for.
Chrome plating forks, I have had Streamwood Plating,Inc.
rechrome forks, frames and stays for me for the last 15 or so years. They
have done excellent work in stripping, polishing and replating. They are
in Streamwood, Illinois, west of Chicago. 630-830-6363. If you are used
to California prices, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Keith Hellon, Libertyville, Illinois