Aaron Lipstadt wrote:
" trudging through the drifts in Manhattan--but looking forward to meeting the famous LD tonight."
I should have given a head's up sooner, but:
TONIGHT~~~ All BVVW/CR member's and wanna be's will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the foot of Broadway in lower Manhattan at the statue of the Bull ( in front of #26 Broadway and recently for sale for $3 million). We will do a short walking tour of lower Manhattan and then make our way to some grub. Maybe John's Pizzeria (Bleaker Street a few blocks west of 6th Ave), maybe Smith and Wollensky steak House (48th street and 3rd Ave.), or maybe somewhere's else. All are welcome , but expect to walk for about an hour. Call me at around 6:45 iffin you can only make the dinner for the exact location.
John T.Pergolizzi