Dear listers,
so at long last it has happened, I have bought a scanner to make the
photos of my humble bunch of cycles fit for general consumption. Morgan
Fletcher has not only kindly offered webspace, but also has spent a lot
of time to turn the zillions of bits and bytes I sent him into
If you should be interested enough to look at the pictures, please keep in mind three things:
Firstly, I have only spent roughly ten of the 24 years I have been collecting on racing bikes, so I am not yet knowledgeable enough not to commit huge mistakes, and
secondly, these cycles are my playthings, literally. I do not work on them systematically, so some are unfinished, or need bits changed out, or whatever. I need to use my brains systematically at work, so I play at some handywork in my free time.
Thirdly, I am of the opinion that cycles without big names can also be very nice, so I would ask you not to brush past names like Johnny Berry, Dalcerri or KhVZ, but rather to ignore the others, like the Hetchins, the Thanet or the Bates, if you don´t want to peruse them all.
Lastly, I would like to invite all of you who will look at my pictures to comment on them. My e-mail´s in the header.
Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.