Ken and All: My dad raced quite a bit against Ray Florman. I did a few
times as it was getting at the end of his career. I'm quite sure his
handicap was congenital. He was quite a good mechanic and had his bike fixed
up so he could ride really well in road races with one hand only for
controls, and the other arm without the hand as a counter balance. The
balance and pull was hard to compensate for on hills and turns, and my dad
had a lot of respect for Ray. It was difficult for him on the track because
of the control.
I remember my dad telling me the guys would always watch a little, because
occasionally when things got close and rougher it would be a little tricky
sometimes for Ray. As I recall, Ray was more '40's and just into the '50's.
I don't think he was as early as the '30's.
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates, CA
>I think the Raysport was a private label for the Windsors that Ray Florman
>brought to his shop, A-1 Bicycles, in the St Louis area in the 1970s. A
>couple of days ago Ted Ernst (I think) mentioned Ray's name as a racer of
>the 50s or 60s. I know he passed away a short while ago. I remember him as
>missing a hand. Anyone here know how that happened?
> Ken Wehrenberg, Hermann, MO