I have another way to be retro cool, by hanging out in the local bike shop and telling the guy who came in with his Bar Mitzvah money to not buy the Italian model because it was too expensive, and after he left the owner kicked me out of the shop. I rode home on my 'varsity' feeling bad about it then, but now I think it was pretty cool.
Dennis Young
Hotaka, Japan
> Don't forget the Cardinal Rule of Retro-Cool : Lose those spoke
> protectors and chainring protectors !!
> In the 1970's when i started riding, i was in the cutoff-shorts and a
> t-shirt camp. In fact, i still show up at san diego vintage rides in
> cutoffs and tshirts, normally. If and when I lead the pack for the
> entire ride (hopefully), then maybe i'll upgrade to lycra shorts and a
> jersey.
> Retro Cool is not overdressing beyond your capabilities - neither in
> equipment, nor in clothing !! Let the shoe fit the wearer !!!
> - Don Gillies
> San Diego, CA