Steve, Sheldon, et al: What works for Eudora does not always work for Outlook users like me.
To me the absolute best thing is something e-Ritchie turned me on to a few months ago:
When you're looking at any web site, copy the URL and then go to "". From there it will make a short randomized string that pastes quite nicely into email. You can even have put a button on your browser, so you can reduce the "effort" to one, single click. I use it frequently in many applications. Your readers will appreciate it.
Doug Morrell St Louis MO
-----Original Message----- From: Sheldon Brown [] Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 11:59 AM To: Steven Willis; 'Pete Geurds'; Subject: RE: [CR]eBay auction notices
Quoth Steven Willis:
>Sounds good to me. So I have been asked to list a load of parts from a
>fellow CR member Tom Adams, some Campy some not and you can see this
>group at....also a Galli group will be posted in a few days. Good luck
>to all. Steven Willis
>erid=smwillis&include=0&since0&sort=3&rows 0
Good, but not quite good enough...long URLs like this sometimes get broken by line breaks in email messages...but there's a trick to keep this from happening:
When pasting a longish URL into email, enclose it in a pair of "<" ">" angle brackets viz.:
That will make it stay clickable, at least in Eudora, and probably in most other email programs.
Sheldon "Clickable" Brown
Newtonville, Massachusetts
| Immigration is not a problem to solve, |
| but a sign of a successful nation. |
| --George W. Bush |
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