The black japanese road pedals on my sekai 2500 came with japanese chrome clips & straps in 1977. The clips had a circle/square overlapping logo which I think means KKT. So the straps might have been made by KKT also. I find no evidence on the web that KKT is making straps now.
Bikeworks NYC sells MKS "sport" straps for "only" $50.
Cheaper in the U.K. at about $26 :
Avocet would probably have been japanese toe straps in that era, and NOS Avocet might be more affordable than modern straps :
I think that the widened leather near the buckle - common on Keirin straps - is a modern invention. I have some cinelli / binda straps with this feature - but i think these are mid 1980's - did that feature exist in the 1970's ?? I don't think so. What do others think ??
- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA