Ken Sanford wrote:
> Chuck
> I disagree strongly!!!
> 99.2 is better than 99 out of 100 satisfied.
> What if you had made 40-50 trouble-free sales and them you meet up with an
> ass-hole who gives you a bum rating. Or someone who demands NOS when you
> specified good condition!
> Sometimes called 'rating blackmail'
> That, unfortunately is why many reputable sellers will not give feedback to
> buyer before item is delivered and customer is "satisfied"
> Ken Sanford
> Kensington, MD
That's why you check the guy's feedback comments to see, like you put it, who the ass-hole is, the buyer or the seller.
When I see a 99.2% rating I start investigating before I bid. But like I said, that's just me... stooopid purchases ruin my whole day!
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southen California