Re: [CR]Discussion within limits...

(Example: History)

Comment: DomainKeys? See
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2005 19:00:47 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jay Van De Velde" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Discussion within limits...
In-Reply-To: <>

Here's another experiment: Go to: which is the link to our archives,btw. Search this author's email address: that have been posted to the CR list, sorted by date, newest first, and tally up the number of posts that have been substantive, that have been of practical value to our community and not merely sarcastic snips and snipes that consume bandwidth. Speaking for no one but myself here, I side wholeheartedly with listmeister Dale; lets try to maintain this list as he intends it to be - a valuable resource for our hobby, not something that adds hundreds of dubious emails to the inbox each week. Don't bother flaming me offlist, anyone. I've got my asbestos-lined team skinsuit on. Jay Van De Velde Seal Beach,CA

"" <> wrote:

i got 2061 since the archive cutoff so i am right behind you. i also concur with your experiment. i will also try to restrain myself.* e-RICHIE chester, ct

*on the list, that is...

-- Chuck Schmidt wrote:

Dale Brown wrote: Many of you are posting too often. Please note that the CR rules ask a maximum of 4 posts per person per day. This is a max! Some might reasonably argue that even this is too much from one person. There is a theory that if some of us hold back a bit, that would allow others to participate. I am not convinced that is true but I wish that it was true. I am sad that many members never chime in. So let's observe the 4 max per day idea.. I will begin enforcing it more vigorously. As always, the only means of enforcement I have is to eliminate members.... ¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,¸,+°´°+,

Guilty as charged!!!

I went back to the archives (they only go back to Aug '00; the list started the middle of '98) and it said 3,201 posts for me so I'm averaging 2.05 per day if my math is correct?

Over the years I've repeated a little experiment where I didn't answer the questions for a week or so just to see if they'd get answered and mostly the answer was no. I've also answered a lot of them in private but that doesn't really help the group's knowledge base, but oh well.

Discussion within limits? So be it!

Chuck "one of my four bullets spent" Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California

. _______________________________________________


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