Even though somewhat off-topic, I'd like to thank all who have supported the VBQ tsunami relief special which benefited Doctors Without Borders. Now that most of the checks have arrived, I would like to report:
Thanks to 52 subscriptions or renewals, plus $ 255 in additional donations, I have donated $ 1850 to the charity. $ 1250 went immediately on December 30, when the need was greatest. The rest followed as a check today.
Also, various governments have pledged more support since the "Tsunami Relief Special" was announced, inspired by the generosity of their citizens.
For more information on Doctors Without Borders and an update on the
relief effort, go to http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/
Thank you all for your support.
Jan Heine, Seattle
Vintage Bicycle Quarterly
c/o Il Vecchio Bicycles
140 Lakeside Ave, Ste. C
Seattle WA 98122