Here are the listings I have in the Used Bike Buyers Guide starting with "M" that have little information. In this case, most have the country, but not the city or the name of the framebuilder. If you have more information on any of these, please send off-list, thanks. Interestingly, the "M" listings, in toto, are one of the largest in the guide. In particular, there were a lot of Italian builders that started with M (22), but I don't know why that is, or, whether it is even of interest. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
MACKLAM: England.
MAGNEET: England and Netherlands.
MAIRAG: Switzerland
MANUFRANCE: France. 1970s.
MARCADIER: France. Connected to C.I.M.
MARINI: Italy. Since 1984. Possibly connected to Ciocc.
MARSH, Dave: England. Known to have used Reynolds 531C.
MARTIN, Charles: France.
MASON, Wes: England.
MAURY, A.: France.
McGRATH, Eddie: England.
MENDIZ: Ridden by Artiach-Nabisco Spanish team in 94.
MERAL: France.
MERCURY: England.
MERIDAN: England.
MERRICK, Kenton: Built for Schwinn in the Waterford WI plant. Also built with his own label. Custom.
MICHARD, Lucien: France
MIZUNO: Japan.
MOIRE: France. Built for Rene Herse.
MONARCH: U.S.A. & Sweden.
MONDIAL: Switzerland. (possibly a variation in spelling of Mondia?)
MONDU: Germany
MONOU: Germany. (I suspect both Mondu and Monou are the same, but different spelling)
MONTAIR: Germany.
MORRIS, H.R: England.
MUESING: Germany. Aluminum frames.
MULLETT, Mike: England. Worked for Raleigh. 753 certified.