Re: [CR]Questionable 1st gen Campagnolo cranks

(Example: Framebuilders:Tony Beek)

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 12:48:40 -0800 (PST)
From: "Ted E. Baer" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Questionable 1st gen Campagnolo cranks
To: "" <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

I'm glad that you are able to rest on your insticts Richard. But as a consumer I have every right to question anything that is for sale--just as others have every right to question items I sell from time to time.

The seller is peekaboo or something like that. How in the world would I possibly know that this is Jan Johnson? And if these folks offer goods with such "impeccable provence" why the delay with the photo?

So let's see:

1. You were unable to offer any relevant information about the anodizing I asked about.

2. You had no comment on the "questionable caps."

3. I "believe" this is the same seller who once offered a set of Bivalent hubs on eBay and listed them as 32-hole front and rear. But when it was pointed out to the seller that one hub was indeed a 36-hole, "I believe" the reply the seller gave the list was: "They are what they are." Professional?

Ted E. Baer Palo Alto, CA

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "In professional sports, the real losers are the people who pay to watch." -Jello Biafra "The Dead Kennedy's" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

--- "" <> wrote:
> my instinct is to look at the seller and
> his (?) history. whoa! it's jan johnson.
> say no more. i trust she and peter would
> only offer and list vintage goods that
> have impeccable provenance.
> chester, ct
> 2/4
> -- "Ted E. Baer" <> wrote:
> I came across this auction last night: 7125919468
> It
> is for a set of 1958 Campagnolo cranks.
> Two things are highly questionable. Maybe someone
> can
> help out here.
> 1. Every set of 1958, 59, and possibly 1960 year
> model of these cranks I have ever seen is NOT
> anodized. The front of this crankset "appears" to
> be
> anodized or has undergone some kind of machine
> treatment wherein the surface has a brushed aluminum
> look. However, the back sides look to be OK--but it
> is very hard to tell. Maybe it's just poor
> photography or lighting.
> 2a. Secondly, the pedal caps "appear" (I did not
> say
> "are") to be reproductions. I have two sets of
> these
> 1958 cranks and spent about 20 minutes comparing the
> original caps on mine to those on this set. First
> of
> all, the words "Campagnolo" and "Patent" "appear" to
> be unevenly spaced. Also, the lettering in both
> words
> is too close to the center hole. The chrome on the
> caps "appears" near perfect, but I cannot tell
> because
> the photo is blurred. Hard to believe for a
> crankset
> that is 45+ years old.
> 2b. The pedal caps "appear" blurred (as mentioned
> in
> my second point.) So with that in mind, I emailed
> the
> seller last night and requested a close-up photo of
> the pedal caps or asked if he could add said photo
> to
> the auction. Haven't heard from him yet and don't
> see
> a photo posted to the auction.
> Ted E. Baer
> Suspicious in Palo Alto, CA
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