It's labeled on the "Triplettes" soundtrack as "Tour de France".
For the real thing, try searching "Yvette Horner" on
Aldo Ross
Blue Ball, Ohio
> At the risk of severely veering off topic.... but this
> is vintage TDF stuff...
> Speaking of Yvette Horner and the Triplettes de
> Belleville, does anyone know the name of the song
> Campion nodded off to while cranking away on the
> trainer? I'd love to get a copy of that tune and some
> more classic French accordian tunes, especially ones
> with some sort of tie to Le Tour. I checked
>, but they had a pretty pitiful selection of
> Yvette Horner. Are their any other artists you could
> recommend?
> Thanks!
> Byron "jamming to Django Reinhardt as I type" Morton
> Nashville, TN
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