Dear John (if this isn´t your real name, sorry), in your recent post to CR, you quote an article in The Boneshaker # 168, p. 50. You state that the situation in the thirties is described there. Sorry to correct you, but it´s the 1900s and 1910s that are looked at. I should know, I´m the author. My real article on paced track racing was in TB # 158, pp 18-24.
Until the thirties, the situation on the track and in the frame building shops had changed dramatically, and I´m afraid you can´t glean any information from my pieces regarding the frame(s) under recent scrutiny on this list.
Besides, Would I dare to describe track racing during the thirties and,
especially, the fifties? Not as long as Ted Ernst and all the other eyewitnesses are around I wouldn´t. 90 or 100 years ago is much safer
Regards, Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.