I'm curious if the game of Schultz will endure until our next gathering. Carlos and I have adopted the game at the shop, minus the hearty open-handed punch to the head. Once it's a habit to flash the secret sign, one should be able to hang around with everyone and still not suffer THAT kind of brain damage.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Come to California, get some brain damage.
Lovin it. now to decide which Andalusian touring/ Randonneur bike to bring. Those Andalusian frames are quite rare y'know.
Mike Schmidt (still suffering from "Schultz" frontal brain cell damage thanks to Brett Horton) Stirling, NJ
> Dear Cirque du Cyclisme past or potential new attendees:
> As I haven't gotten any entries yet (except for the stalwart organizing
> committee), I guess we are safe in announcing changes in the scheduling.
See the
> details & entry form here:
> http://www.classicrendezvous.com/
> Opening day, Friday June 9th, sadly will no longer have a lawn party at my
> house BUT will have an official, stand-on-it's-own charity auction that
> include food! In a new venue, there will be a party of sorts, preview &
> inspection of the auction goods and all sort of hilarity prior to the
auction itself.
> An admission will be charged to cover eats. Rumors already abound of
> bicycles and components that will be offered up to the highest bidder that
> night!!
> The Saturday and Sunday events will be very similar to last year, and
> speakers and guests will be announced as spring approaches. Let me just
> that there are some very very interesting folks being discussed!
> Regarding the THEME...
> As many of you know, we have had a loosely applied theme each year, bikes
> that would be subject to a bit more attention among the many wonderful
bikes that
> are shown.. This is not an exclusive requirement, you can still bring that
> Andalusian time trial bike, but just an encouragement to bring the best
that you
> have in that Theme category if you have one!
> We have had Themes, thus far, representing regions or countries; Italy,
> Britain, France, North America, but because of the relatively small
numbers of
> bicycles (all of merit, mind you) that are out there in the remaining
> the committee has abandoned that old approach and bravely sets off in a
> direction(?).
> So.........
> the 2006 Cirque du Cyclisme Theme will be..
> (If I may have a drum roll please... )
> "The Fascinating Opposites: Touring (Randonneur) and Track bikes!"
> As always, in addition to all handmades, we will be especially pleased to
> those traditionally made machines which are shown by their actual
> And for the first time, there will be a $500.00 cash award to the Best in
> Show!
> Whew! This will be an exciting year for the Cirque du Cyclisme! Can't wait
> see you all there!
> Dale
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, NC USA