(Example: Framebuilders:Norman Taylor)

From: "brian blum" <bbspokes@lycos.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:59:38 -0800
Subject: [CR]FEDEX

I use FEDEX ground. I use to have an account but found the only way to deal
   with them is credit card on the spot at a Kinkos drop-off location. I was
   overbilled, misbilled and double billed constantly when I used the Fedex a ccount. I was promised to get a discount when I opened my account number bu t that is not how it turned out. I will only reiterate the final straw but many occurred before this. I dropped off about 5 large boxes to deliever t o Hawaii from Berkeley. I got an online quote before hand of about $437. I gave the clerk my account number but remembering the previous problems I to ld the clerk not to use it and gave her my credit card and she quoted me $4 37. I got a Fedex bill for $611 about 3 weeks later. I called them and aske d why it was so much and the clerk went through the bill and reduced the am ount to about $460. Then the next day I got my credit card bill and had the
   FEDEX charge of $437 on my VISA card. I immediately call Fedex and asked t hem to cancel the Fedex account charge becaused I was billed on my Visa. I spent months and about 5 calls to correct this. They threaten me with sendi ng the bills to a collection agency even after I had assurances that they h ad fixed the problem. On one call the clerk admitted that they had problem integrating the FEDEX ground(previously acquired RPS, Roadway Parcel Servic e) billing system into the Fedex system. This is August 2004 they had just acquired acquire Kinkos months before. I closed my FEDEX account and keep c lose watch of any Fedex charges to my credit card. Now I don't have to wor ry about being charged for those mystery shipments from Texas to New York. Other than billing their shipping service is great. Brian Blum in Berkeley
   getting ready for another FEDEX/Kinkos shipment