I'm not sure that there's any reason for anyone including myself to get uptight over the price of the Hetchins. What's the difference between a seller who asks a ridiculous price, and a buyer who pays a ridiculous price ? Both consider these sums as reasonable. Granted the seller of the Hetchins is way off bat with (clearly his fathers) cloud-nine expectations. But I'm still reeling from the extortionate price paid for those pedals. The whole thing about ebay, is matching buyer to seller. you can ask what you like reasonable, unreasonable, far-fetched, ridiculous whatever, but at the end of the day, if it doesn't sell, who loses but the seller a marginal sum. If those pedals don't turn up after transmitting a $3,3000 payment, it'll have quite the opposite effect.
One things for sure. Every owner or classic "dealer" will be scouring their boxes and all their contacts to find the next pair of those oh- so-rare unobtanium pedals (once mass-produced) to cash in on this one. As to the Hetchins seller ? maybe he'll get enough from the sale of his sisters Golf GT Tdi.
Bob Reid