> Freek Faro <khun.freek@gmail.com> wrote:
What a fine exhibition! It was especially nice to see the
Serier frame and bicycle. I have seen a couple of others in
the past and they always struck me as nice, neat, well made
racing frames. Was that Peter Serier himself holding the
silver frameset?
If Mr. Serier was there, I wonder if he spoke at all? In
particular, I'm wondering about frames I was told he built for
the Dutch Raleigh racing team just before the team was
terminated. I have a "friend" (an American living in
Amsterdam) who tried to get me involved in a scheme that
related to some Serier frames. I've always wondered how much
of this scheme was actually true...
Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> Hi listmembers,
> Yesterday's show in Rotterdam was a great success.
> Attendance was good,
> bikes shown were extraordinary I think. In my wooljersey
> album (Freek's
> racefietsen) you'll find some 50 pictures. They are pretty
> big files (1600 x 1200), so a mouseclick on the pic in
> question will give you a detailed look.
> So far no titles or descriptions, they will be added later
> by the owners of the bikes I hope.
> Let me know what you all think!
> http://www.wooljersey.com/
> Freek Faro
> Rotterdam Netherlands