Pic of the Day 6th October, 2005
Lowie and Christiaens, 1938
VLF (very large format) image this time. Be sure to click on the pic.
1938 Paris-Nice winner Jules Lowie (left) rides with teammate Georges Christiaens. Lowie is wearing the race leader's jersey, while Christiaens wears the team's "Charles Pelissier" jersey. Note the different patterned bands on the seattubes of their "Charles Pelissier" bicycles. Note also the "Reynolds 531" decals, "cafe Sanka" water bottles, lack of any chrome on the frames & forks, and cloth tape on the first two inches of Lowie's brake cable housings, where his hands rub against them. From "Match - Le plus grand hebdomadaire sportif" No.619, 29 March 1938.
Aldo Ross
BlueBall, Ohio