Re Motobecane year ID, Come on guys, what about year ID on a VITTORIA??? I did get a Email froma chap at Vittoria, the Tire co, said they have never buit frames,only been in tire bus!! friend on mine said he had seen a cream Vittoria frame on Ebay some time back, So ALL you Italian bike guys, what year is MY frame# 118045????????? would like to know so I can spend mucho$$$ getting the correct bits and pieces for it, (OR should I give up and list it for sale on Ebay??) IT is a real nice frame would like to keep it, getting bored with all the Brit iron,6 of them, BUT maybe I could trade it for a Hetchins (FAT CHANCE) but can dream, right.Cheers John Crump, OldBrit, Parker, Colorado,PS, Oct 22 have Velo swap in Denver.lots of goodies for sale I bet.