In 1981 Araya made a set of Titanium tubular rims. That may be a bit late for you.
Steve Leitgen La Crosse, WI USA
On Oct 10, 2005, at 6:16 PM, galen pewtherer wrote:
> thanks to the kind folks who responded with answers to my question
> about appropriate rims for a 10 pitch build i am contemplating, i am
> now looking for a set of arayas, 28h or 36h, silver clinchers
> preferred.
> (i'm a little fuzzy -- ok, clueless -- on what was available in the
> late 70's in the way of japanese rims, so if anyone has ideas other
> than the arayas please feel free to show me the error of my ways).
> many thanks,
> galen 'who raced in an alleycat this weekend and didn't get killed,
> but came close' pewtherer
> san franciso, ca