[CR]5.5 reasons why I loved VR5 ..... a week after the fact and looking forward to next year!

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 08:11:58 -0700
From: "Matthew Gorski" <bikenut@verizon.net>
In-reply-to: <ec7aabfb0510121446j38a0611dyfc4893e09978026@mail.gmail.com>
To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]5.5 reasons why I loved VR5 ..... a week after the fact and looking forward to next year!

WEDNESDAY...got into the Velo-Rendezvous spirit early with pal Jay Van de Velde, Felix Chiu and Fritz from Vancouver, BC. Felix & Fritz drove down from San Francisco and we had the welcome 'mat' out at my place for drinks at 5, a Duffy boat tour of Alamitos Bay at 6 and then dinner at 7. Dinner (walking distance at a local Mediterranean spot) was a 2+ hour crazed continuum of largely bicycle and race/vintage car conversations intertwined like a long spiraling DNA strand. After that it was back to my house and another bottle of??? that Jay brought-then up on my 3rd floor deck...another hour or more of spirited conversation under the stars before weariness called on our travelers.

THURSDAY was the 're-entry' into old friendships and acquaintances ride... it could not have been a nicer day~the path was barely littered with other riders, joggers and wanderers. How great was it to see all the lads and Paulie too!! Wayne was finally united with the Mysterious RIH, I had the

Sammontana Ice Cream bike and before us were bicycles of every flavor! A few of us hearty souls took the climbers challenge at the turnaround while the rest of the gang shot off to the promise of beer at a beachside bar. A half dozen of us led by Charles wiled our way up PV hill and then back around to the MB? pier to join up with the guys! A nice tempo back to Pier 52 and then dinner at El Torito in Marina del Rey. The view was a real treat and the food respectable...the conversation was 'muy bueno'.

FRIDAY was the frame symposium. I was a bit tardy due to some work issues and my customers unfamiliar with the phrase, I'm on vacation!! I managed to keep all happy and hit Brookside Park before the Pizza arrived, Paulie and Al playing delivery team. The fun and conversation continued in a seamless fashion right into the afternoon ride. I had uncharacteristically left my camera home Thursday and so was ready for Friday. I was on a Jack Taylor curve tube fixed gear (Thanks Neil!!) and realized that photography is a bit trickier when you can't employ 'nefarious coasting'. The ride was a BLAST and we were back post haste. A quick check in at the Courtyard and then we were off to dinner. There were 2 tables at dinner.... I was at the naughty table. Led by Gian Pergolizzi & Bret H. it was a real head slapping/side splitting fun time. Gelato came after and then the grand entrance of the King and Queen of Portola Valley! Then back to the hotel happy and happily tired.

SATURDAY was started with a leisurely lunch (I slept in...can't do that at home) as I coincidently happened upon Fritz, Felix and Wayne...and then Al and Paulie at a quaint café on Union? just south of the hotel. The Symposium was killer! Rex did a really great presentation of Masi and his friendship with Alberto. The Jay and Charles show was a very 'simple but elegant' exposition of thoughts & considerations when to do restoration and to what degree. I needed to get back to home base for dinner but managed a visit with Brian B and Bruce Gordon at their hotel... then I spent the evening sorting out Sundays bicycles.

SUNDAY-SUNDAY-SUNDAY was bicycle bliss!! Setting up my bicycle I had friends helping out and with that finished I was able to just meander all over the display area and see amazing cycles in every direction. It was a who's who of Bicycle luminaries of every sort...all mentioned before in previous posts. Lunch was perfect/tasty/abundant! The day was like a school recess that lasted all day. Hanging with Aaron, Guy, JB, Rob, Brian & Carlos, Jay, Jan & Peter, Rob & Christine, Charles & Carmen, John & Stacy, Felix & Fritz, Paulie, all the East Coasters, Wayne, Bruce, Bret, Ted, Jack, John, Sterling and on and on and on....it was like an Academy Awards party for bicycles.

Reason 5.5..... Chuck and Sherry deserve a very special thanks for putting on such an AWESOME event...I can't wait for next year!! I had been on a 2 month vacation hold for the CR list while I moved household to my new/old place...this was the greatest way to get back into the VR/CR swing!!

Matt Gorski
Belmont Shore, CA