Dale Brown wrote:
> In a message dated 11/1/2005 9:19:23 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> chuckschmidt@earthlink.net writes:
> << Here's the links to pix of the holy chainstays:
> http://www.speedbicycles.ch/
> http://www.speedbicycles.ch/
> http://www.speedbicycles.ch/
> http://www.speedbicycles.ch/
> http://www.speedbicycles.ch/
> http://www.speedbicycles.ch/
> http://www.speedbicycles.ch/
> >>
> So......... what are we to suppose is filling those holes?
> Ricotta cheese?
> It's kind of funny, as cool as that looks, it's hard to imagine that whatever
> was used to fill the "innards" weighs less than those little slivers of steel
> that were removed.... But, why be logical or practical when considering the
> romance of creativity?
Kind of a mega overkill thing to stiffen the chain stays laterally, not to make them lighter. I liked the elegant way Pino Moroni used the two "straws" inserted in the main tubes much betta, doncha think?
(God I miss seeing Pino at the Trade Shows...)
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California