[CR]Case of the 'world hood' sent to Scotland Yard

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

From: <"tom.ward@juno.com">
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 07:59:30 GMT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Case of the 'world hood' sent to Scotland Yard

Nick wrote:

Oh but you are ooooh so wrong.

For me the only way to be in this gig was to do it all or nothing. And yes I paid for originality because that was the only thing that matt ered.

Nick Zatezalo Atlanta,Ga.

For me; the only thrill comes from original.

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it ain't the real d eal !!!

Once again...WHY bother???

Nick Zatezalo Atlanta,Ga

Exactly... nothing wrong with reproductions as long as the purveyor distinguishes them as such. Ortherwise they are meant purely as a deception by the both the buyer and seller.

Why any one wants to buy a non-original part is totally beyond my comprehension; unless they are also looking to deceive for profit or gratification.

Reproductions are nothing more or less than substitutes for the real thi ng. Why bother?????

Nick Zatezalo Atlanta "Home of the REAL THING" Georgia

To which I now reply:

You are absolutely right: that those of us who are not sitting upon the mother lode of cycle spares stockpiles are often looking to deceive--our selves--for a form of gratification. I generally deceive myself into thi nking I've got something useful with which to make shift while hoping to eventually acquire the "original", more-correct parts for my crazy buil d-it-up-from-a-frameset collages. Now, if you got there first (to those proper parts--say, to that Herse stem & set of cantilever brakes I need) , I think it is admirable and blameless to settle (that is, to "bother") for an amiable and cheerful substitute component in the meantime--espec ially where perishables like leather or rubber are the material. I still suspect some kind of satire in your writing. If not, please consider na ming me your beneficiary as I am a worthy would-be stockpiler, I suppose , but have been hobbled for various reasons--perhaps relative youth, per haps relative poverty, perhaps relative fecklessness--from achieving the kind of comfort level and confidence you seem to exude regarding/////WA IT! I got it. You're the guy making these hoods, aren't you?!?! Perhaps a 'counterfeiter' doth protest too much? Well, your secret's safe with m e; I would praise thee, not bury thee. "I paid for originality"...you've made a licensing deal? Kudos and congratulations!! You're entirely in t he clear, then, and in fact can only be considered a hero.

Hmm...collecting, riding--not really a "gig"; yet manufacturing is....

Anyway, the "real thing", eh? No Royal Crown on occasion? Me and RC Cola , makin' friends. Free hoods for everyone on the list (if I am elected).

Replacement world logo hoods have got to come from somewhere--we need th em--although I have to say, I'm not interested in Campagnolo levers too much. I no longer have any. I'm not charmed by them. They arrive very ne arly too late--the year after I was born; give me MAFAC, Universal, Wein mann, CLB, GB and the rest (Resilion, Monitor, Alp, Securite, ad infinit um) in preference. So stockpile away, I suppose! Though the world logo ( and the hood made of its hide)IS a thing of beauty.

In all seriousness, I'm just trying to be funny in the paragraphs above. I have no idea what Nick is up to. For all I know he is serious, and ha s purchased / cornered the market on all stocks of concours-worthy Aston Martin DB2s and 4s as well--and original steering wheel covers for same .

Cheers, & to all agents provocateurs (& provocateuses) a good night.

Tom Ward New York City, NY

P.S. Could it be that Nick Z. is quoting from some collectors website? I 'm still hearing it as satire or irony of some kind--which you should he ar in my voice as well.