Re: [CR]Re: Fake Hoods & Decals & What Else

(Example: Framebuilders:Masi)

Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 10:04:39 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Fake Hoods & Decals & What Else
To: Nick Zatezalo <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

One buys repros generally because they are available and affordable, while the originals may not be.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX

Nick Zatezalo <> wrote: Exactly... nothing wrong with reproductions as long as the purveyor distinguishes them as such. Ortherwise they are meant purely as a deception by the both the buyer and seller.

Why any one wants to buy a non-original part is totally beyond my comprehension; unless they are also looking to deceive for profit or gratification.

Reproductions are nothing more or less than substitutes for the real thing. Why bother?????

Nick Zatezalo Atlanta "Home of the REAL THING" Georgia

-----Original Message----- From: Fred Rafael Rednor Sent: Nov 8, 2005 8:38 PM To: Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Fake Hoods & Decals & What Else

JB, In the classic auto restoration world, reproductions are clearly labeled as such. In cases where both NOS parts and reproductions are available, the originals generally command a premium (unless the original parts are all nearly defective.) What would you think of an sale in which, when the seller was asked whether the piece was genuine or reproduction, he answered "I got them from a friend - they are as pictured?" Regards, Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)
> My Friends (finally, I can say that having met many of you at
> Velo
> Rendezvous!) --
> Whoever suggested something painful and dire for someone who
> would
> intentionally lie about a fake being original (NOS) was fair
> and true: A
> hex (and a gnarly helix) be on 'em. But from there, what's a
> 'fake' and
> if a good one what's the beef?
> The motorized analogy please: In vintage auto restoration,
> we'd have
> been sunk years ago if authentically fake (re-cast, remolded,
> rewired,
> rewoven...) tires (tyres to British CRers), distributor caps,
> wiring
> harnesses, top fabric, etc. were not available (or
> acceptable) to us.
> There'd be no hobby, art, or business of restoration, flat
> out: a
> passion plundered. Mercifully, there are abundant and superb
> repros for
> sale, also craftsman ready to do it all over again if not.
> Then, with
> good fortune ($) and patience there still may be found NOS.
> To wit,
> there is an honest difference in the price to be paid for a
> repro versus
> an NOS dashboard (then hand-built) for a 1933 Lea Frances
> shooting
> brake, believe me. In the middle would be the one-off
> fresh-built to
> perfectly match original specs. But unless NOS, its all
> fake, if you
> choose to use the word. At show, you won't lose points for
> an excellent
> fake; but you might gain bonus points for using NOS.
> So, I agree with whomever said that a goodly supply of
> top-end fake
> hoods could be a good thing, if the price or seller reflects
> an honest
> admission that they are not NOS. Of decals, on the other
> hand, there
> is no such thing as an excellent reproduction in peel-off
> vinyl. You
> can't have it both ways - unless the original was such an
> ungodly 80's
> thing (thankfully, usually off-topic). Apologies to honest
> on-topic
> bikes that originally may have had stickers anticipating the
> ungodly
> 80s.
> "No villain need be! Passions spin the plot: We are
> betrayed by what
> is false within." George Meredith, 'Modern Love' from Poems
> of the
> English Roadside (1862).
> JB Froke, Pebble Beach, CA
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