Re: [CR] 1983 Woodrup build-up specs?

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

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Subject: Re: [CR] 1983 Woodrup build-up specs?
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 20:53:51 +0000

Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 11:52:46 -0800 From: AdventureCORPS News <> To: Subject: [CR]1983 Woodrup build-up specs?

Hi gang

I have what I think is a 1983 Woodrup Giro Touring frameset that I built up earlier this year as a fixed gear bike for open road riding. Now I've decided to set it up with gears.

I don't want to do a period-correct build-up, but I would be interested to know how most of these were set up when they were originally sold. That would be interesting to me, while also providing possible suggestions for which derailleurs, etc I'd put on it.

Matching NOS front and rear derailleur sets I currently have from that general area which I could install include Zeus, Galli, Superbe Pro, Cyclone MK-II, and Mavic SSC. I would probably not put Campy NR/SR on this bike.

Note the bike does not have downtube shifter braze-ons. It just has a little tab beneath the downtube in that location, presumably to keep a bar-end shifter cable stop clamp from slipping down the downtube. I don't really want to put bar-ends on this bike, although I use them on many of my others.

So, that brings up the downtube shifter-mounting issue. Does anybody have an appropriate clamp for mounting downtube shifters? If so, I have some Simplex retrofriction shifters I could use, but for which I have no clamp. (Or I could use the "endless band" shifters from Suntour, as requested in the post I just made.)

Thanks for your insights and suggestions! Reply on- or off-list, as you think appropriate.

Here's a slideshow of my Woodrup:

Regards Chris Kostman Oak Park, CA, USA

Hi Chris:

Nice bike! That looks familiar - I think I've seen your pics. previously on the Web. Did we discuss the bike already?

A 1983 Giro-Touring should have a serial number of 83xxx. Do I see 83201 on your BB, as well as 23? It's tough to see with that (fabulous) glossy black paint. I have # 82135, which is a blue 24" one from 1982. These were sold in the US by Ten Speed Drive Imports, as a bare frameset with an NR headset. Retail was about $495 IIRC. Soooo.... put just about anything you want on it! Mine was (is) set up with some of the ubiquitous Record/NR/SR parts of the period, but has a 175 mm Sugino AT crankset (was initially a triple, but later switched to a 36/48 double), Barelli Supreme pedals, NR + R ders. with downtube shifters, a 14-28 Campy six-speed freewheel (recent addition, extremely decadent on a "touring bike" IMO), early Superbe (not Pro) sidepulls, and a Mavic stem with Cinelli bars and ultra-thin Grab-Ons. Wheels are 27" Mavic G40 dark-ano. rims on Record small-flange hubs. The tires are 27 x 1-1/8" and the saddle is an ever-so-comfy Brooks Pro. About 23 pounds or so, road-ready. (I suspect that the 531 in the frame is ST-spec., although that designation didn't officially exist yet at that point). I toured a few times on this bike when it was new, and it performed flawlessly IIRC. It was 33% of my bike fleet at the time I bought it new (race, tour, commute bikes). The frame and fork look exactly like yours, except for the color. Very clean workmanship, durable paint. TSD may have had them painted here, as they were doing with Guerciottis at the time, I'm not sure. Does anyone know for sure, and if so, who did the painting for TSD?


Greg Parker
Dexter, Michigan