i have asked a week ago about shellacing handlebar tape and applying the hemp classic style. thanks again to everybody for their very helpful answers!
so i ordered some shellac and spirit from a carpenter supply shop, bought some hemp twine from our local post office and started right away. i decided to start with the modern style cinelli cork tape (color: "nature"); the color had never worked that well with the saddle and the frame, so id had to come off anyway :)
this is the result after applying about 10 layers:
for comparison, this is how it looked before the cure:
it already looks a lot nicer, although it is not as dark as the leather of the Brooks Swallow.
of course it remains to be seen how the shellac layer can handle the softer underground of the cork bar tape, i'll keep you posted!
for those metric system addicts my receipe: i mixed 1/2l of spirit with 50g of amber coloured shellac flakes, which worked fine.
again thanks for the help, this list is an inmeasurable source of knowledge :)
Martin Appel
Munich, BY