The scammer was busted thanks to everyone who reported it to eBay. Kendra Coatney SEA<WA
On 11/19/05, Raymond Dobbins <> wrote:
> --- joel metz <> wrote:
> the background photoshopping is actually on the *real* sellers auction.
> ---
> there is no photoshopping on either auction. the scammer did indeed
> hijack a photo from the legitimate seller's yahoo album (and he
> referenced the yahoo album address in his auction description). but
> the photos in the legitimate seller's auction are completely different.
> they are new photos taken with what looks like a seamless paper
> background (on one of the photos you can see where the paper ends).
> the legitimate seller, whose name is alex, contacted me about a month
> ago asking for photo tips. after i posted my updated "photo setup"
> page he wrote to tell me to expect a marked improvement in his photos -
> and he was right. apparently the scammer, clever individual that he
> thinks he is, decided to use alex's old photos, so that no one would
> notice that they are the same bike. but he didn't count on us sleuths!
> i have written to alex to alert him.
> ray dobbins
> miami florida
> _______________________________________________
Kendra Coatney
Seattle, Washington, USA