They would have been spec on Amateur or "B: model track bikes. Straight gauge tubing, stuff like that. Could be used for training wheels. Guys used to put a little jeweler's gouge into the races ride them 10 miles+ or so. Then rolling would polish real smooth and when washed out and relubbed, they would roll real smooth. You could do the old hand drill polish job, but riding was a little slower than hand held, not that it made much difference, for as much as was polished. They weren't made too long and not too many either, as other cheaper groups became complete, and Campy too expensive. Ted Ernst Palos Verdes Estates, CA
> On 11/20/05, <> wrote:
>> In a message dated 11/20/05 6:09:50 PM, writes:
>> << Nuovo Tipo track hubs on ebay,item #7196835416.Winning bid of
>> $610.00.Wow!
>> Are these really that rare or am I missing something here? >>
> These leave me wondering what would they would be proper spec on?
> Kurt Sperry
> Bellingham WA
> --