that's wild! the text under that image says 'Dura-Ace 10 series marked with a white square is shown together with Dura-Ace'.
galen pewtherer san francisco, ca
On 11/3/05, Tom Dalton <> wrote:
> Someone posted this link to a brochure about the DA 10 track group. What
is going on down there in the lower right corner? Pic shows regular DA st
uff and 10mm DA stuff marked in white boxes. There are two cranks; one loo
ks like a double. There are two front and two rear derailleurs, one of eac
h being in a white box. I'm pretty certain that this stuff never saw the l
ight of day, but does anyone have more info? A Pitch-10 12-speeder, now th
at would be rad!
> Tom Dalton
> Bethlehem, PA
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