OK you guys, cut it out. Many thanks, but I think you're exaggerating. I like to think I was a solid journeyman framebuilder, but there's lots of current and former builders out there that are on a whole 'nother plane.
Monkeyman's version of my cv is accurate except after TiCycles I worked at Match with Curt Goodrich - good times. The frames Curt saw me build there were production Schwinn Paramounts - not exactly what I'd like to be remembered for. The money was pretty good though! Martin Tweedy and Steve Hampsten of Hampsten Cycles also worked there, as well as some other talented people you probably haven't heard of. Match was T.S. "Tim" Isaac's baby.
I didn't take many pictures over the years, which I regret. The pictures Monkeyman linked to include the second and third frames I ever made (aside from production Santanas), in the "Ben Dover" folder. There are only two other frames pictured there, wife Laurie's road racer (poorly photographed) and Ray "Don" Chong's stainless steel touring frame.
Not building any more, so please, don't place any orders!
Mark Bulgier Seattle WA USA
Brandon"monkeyman"Ives wrote:
> Mark never built under his own name, except for some work for
> friends and such. So you're not going to see much of his
> work out there. As I remember it he worked at Santana first
> in the mid-70s. Then he was back in Seattle at R&E Cycles
> for a few years, then off to Davidson for many years. He
> ended his building career in '94(?) while working for Ti
> Cycles. I'm with Curt as far as Mark's skills as a builder
> and I've said it before, if I was to have anyone else build
> me a frame it would be him. Here's a few pics of his frames:
> http://www.bulgier.net/
> Tom Sanders wrote:
> > When Curt Goodrich wrote "Who are these "unsung heros"? I nominate
> > Mark Bulgier. He's the finest frame builder I've encountered. His
> > rivals any living or dead builder." I thought "Wow! That's pretty
> > high praise, and
> > coming from Curt, especially so". Anyone have some photos of this
> > work of Mark's that Curt is talking about?