This makes me think of "Dorian Gray".
> --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
> Von: Nick Zatezalo <>
> An: "P.C. Kohler" <>,
> Betreff: Re: [CR]Re: Fake Hoods & Decals & What Else
> Datum: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 22:28:33 -0500 (EST)
> Oh but you are ooooh so wrong.
> For me the only way to be in this gig was to do it all or nothing.
> And yes I paid for originality because that was the only thing that
> mattered.
> Nick Zatezalo
> Atlanta,Ga.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "P.C. Kohler" <>
> Sent: Nov 8, 2005 10:01 PM
> To: Nick Zatezalo <>,
> Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Fake Hoods & Decals & What Else
> I am almost convinced Nick is pulling our collective legs here.
> Surely, Nick you are not riding your original machines, be they circa 1947
> or 1967 or even 1981, on original tyres from that era? I mean I tried to
> ride my 1951 Raleigh Clubman on her original (honest!) Dunlop Roadracing
> tyres. I made it halfway into a 40-mile ride. I couldn't even repair the
> flat as the tyre was fused to the rim with age. I look SO original and
> authentic riding a flat clincher home like it was a tubular!
> So are you really riding on 1970 Clement silk Setas? That is SO cool. Or
> 1950s Dunlop no. 3 tubulars? Even cooler. But that "hissss" when you get
> a
> flat must be a real downer. Unless you have quite a stash.
> Original '60s bar tape is great too, I mean if the sticky hasn't turned to
> green shellac. Cycle oil lasts forever if it's Sturmey, though. But what
> about Campagnolo grease? What's that like after 40 years? And you must
> have
> better luck than I did trying to use original Raleigh touch up paint c.
> 1958. That Sunset Yellow looked like the inside of a chain smoker's lung
> when I painted it on.
> So I feel off the hook as the CR Purist here, but if we all kept to this
> "thrill of the original", all our bikes would be.. well on hooks on our
> walls.
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA
> _______________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
-- Kim Klakow
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