The SR alloy locknut was not used on other Campy headsets, except perhaps for the SR pista. There was a different shape to the early type, similar to NR as you described. I don't know that the markings were any different, but the shape was different enough that these nuts pretty much identify themselves. On the older nut, the face that sits on the lockwasher was circular. On the newer nut it is octagonal (though the corners are camfered up, away from the washer). The older nut is associated with the simple alloy keyed washer that is the same shape as the steel NR lockwasher. The later nut is associated with the fancy, thicker, grooved and logoed SR lockwasher. The later washer increases the stack height, and was intended to space out the wrenches when you adjust the HS. There is a little spring clip spacer in the Campy tool kit to use with the older SR and the NR.
For what it is worth, there are two different general shapes to the newer SR nuts too, but the difference is subtle and hard for me to describe. Basically, the earlier of these two types is camfered at the top to a steeper angle and ends up looking more conical.
Tom Dalton Bethlehem, PA
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