The thread is an interesting reminder (to me at least) of one of the reasons I've limited myself to purchasing British and Japanese bicycles. Admittedly, the more critical reason is limited disposable income, but I enjoy having something nice, that I wouldn't hesitate to take for a ride - but let's not start that again.
John (make mine a Carlton) Barry Mechanicsburg, PA
--- "" <>
> This is such a classic CR List discourse. I love it.
> Unless I missed a posting, it comes down to this:
> more than a few of us
> think making reproduction Campy hoods is a swell
> idea and we want to know
> where we can get them. Others think it's devious and
> otherwise naughty t
> o
> do this. But they won't reveal how we can share in
> the naughtiness. On
> e
> wonders if they want this mystery source all to
> themselves?
> The idea that Campagnolo is going to remanufacture
> these, at any price,
> is... well it's not going to happen. Companies
> embrace their "heri
> tage" in
> word and image, not in reproducing old stuff for a
> couple of thousand
> collectors. Now I know many here think Campagnolo is
> some mythical diety
> and the stuff is made by little Italian elves in
> some quaint Italian
> village. But it's just a money making enterprise
> that's about cycling
> today, not yesterday. They have proven their
> "interest" in all this is
> confined to attorneys clamping down on little,
> insignificant bods
> remanufacturing their crappy brake hoods (let's face
> it Weinmann and Mafac
> brake hoods are far more durable and better made but
> that's out little
> secret).
> Anyway, the saga continues. Maybe the seller of
> these hoods can meet us
> in
> some dark corner and we can exchange a few bucks for
> a few bags. We all
> knew this bike collecting was an addiction. Now we
> can act like it.
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA
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