Mike Kone says: "So its not fancy lugs, its not about being part of a trend, its about the best tool for the job. It just so happens that the job these bikes are best at, is the same job that most people mistakenly purchase ultra light race bikes to accomplish. They are buying the wrong tool. When this becomes more understood, contructeur type integrated bikes will gain the recognition they deserve."
But, hasn't Grant at Rivendell advocated this sort of bike for years?
The integrated bike on the other hand is more than just a frame with parts. Bruce Gordon's integrated racks, Peter Weigel and Mike Barry's offerings have done it. I'm anxious to see whether that is what Brian is doing or whether it is just a touring frame with bolt on parts. A fully integrated bike, ala some of the fine French machines with internally routed electrical lighting cables, would be something that would really interest me.
Lou Deeter, Orlando FL