This is my third and final post for the day. I only post about once every three months, so this is quite the flurry for me! Hopefully it's not a breach of etiquette.
OK, so my question is this: I have one complete Superbe Pro group from the latter period of that group, plus quite a few parts from the Nuovo Record clone generation. I'm not sure when Superbe Pro died out, but I know it's post-1983, so let's keep this discussion to the correct period (I'm 99% sure that the NR clone Superbe Pro is pre-1983). Anyway, what brand and model of bikes commonly came with Superbe Pro as OEM, or as a common choice by bike shops that were building up framesets?
I love these parts, but it seems weird to hang them on an Italian frame (and I don't own any Italian frames, anyway). If they were mainly put on Japanese bikes, what are some good examples? (I have a 1994 Bridgestone RB-1 set up with mostly Superbe pro, but that frame is OT here and the frame is several years "less old" than the parts on it.) So, regardless of national heritage, what's an "appropriate" home for Superbe Pro parts from the relevant era(s)?
Thanks for any insights! Reply off- or on-list, as you see fit.
Chris Kostman
Oak Park, CA, USA