Re: [CR]Mendocino ride?

(Example: Framebuilders:Alberto Masi)

Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 17:26:02 -0800 (PST)
From: "Vladislav Luskin" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Mendocino ride?
In-Reply-To: <>

My wife and I rode from San Rafael to Mendocino on our tandem and found the experience to be terrific. We rode three days north, stayed in Mendocino one day and rode back three days. Be sure to bring all the necessary bike equipment, as there are no shops on the coast until you hit Mendocino.

Jim is right about the roads but Winnebagos and logging trucks were incredibly courtous. We rode in the summer when presumably traffic is heavier, but I did not find it all that bad. One agrument against riding north, however, is strong headwinds. It'll be bad. All the people we saw on bikes were riding south. We were lucky and hit a really bizarre weather system, which gave us tailwinds in both directions -- wind changed back to normal when we stayed in Mendocino and we had a tailwind on the way back.

Vlad Luskin SFCA wrote: My experiance as a cyclist and a motorist would advise against it. Most of Highway 1 along the Mendicino coast is narrow, winding and traffic moves at a fast pace and there are many sections with no shoulder.

Most of the roads going inland from Highway 1 are also narrow, steep, winding and with little or no shoulder. I'm not saying this to discourage tandem rides on the coast, but just to warn about the conditions.

Jim McCoin Fremont Ca.


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