Re: [CR]Kamp Balls Pond Rd.

(Example: Framebuilders:Chris Pauley)

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From: "Bob Reid" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Kamp Balls Pond Rd.
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 00:33:46 +0000
To: CR Rendezvous <>

On 1 Dec 2005, at 21:11, Michael Butler wrote:

Doug, Balls Pond Road had quite a few shops along it Paris, Condor's which everyone forgets and Kamps, are three which come to mind. Was his name Bernie Kamp this seems to ring a bell, not a bloody big Chalice but a small time trial one!


In case anyones suffering from a bad dose from english colloquialisms

"a bloody big chalice" doesn't come from the palace....

it's typically stuck to the bars viz the first photo on this page ;

And it sounds like a gong and was produced by the "prince of darkness"

Bob Reid Stonehaven Scotland
