RE: [CR] Tandem Pairs & Gillotts

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

In-Reply-To: <>
From: "neil foddering" <>
Subject: RE: [CR] Tandem Pairs & Gillotts
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 10:19:11 +0000

Whilst on the subject of tandem pairs, can anyone help me identify the pair in an original Patterson drawing I own? I believe it dates to the 1930's, and it has been suggested that the timekeeper illustrated is B. W. Best. I assume that it depicts a successful record attempt, because of the arms holding the laurel wreaths, but there's no title or other indication of when and what it relates to.

It can be viewed at

Neil Foddering Weymouth, England

>From: Michael Butler <>
>To: CR Rendezvous <>
>Subject: [CR] Tandem Pairs & Gillotts Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 17:12:33 +0000
>My apologies for posting this via CR but you were
>asking sometime ago about Brothers who raced tandems.
>Well I went out for a short ride this morning and
>where I stopped for elevenses there were some old CTC
>members, I'm old but these were ancient!
>One of them got talking about Claud Butlers and I told
>him there was one hell of a debate going on about
>Lugged and Lugless frames on the internet.
>By the way I had already spoken to Ted Ernst earlier
>in the morning about CB Lugless tandems, when one of
>them said to one of the group do you remember at Herne
>Hill when Reg Harris & Alan Bannister ripped out the
>bottom brackets on that lugless Claud USWB they were
>on. What a coincidence I had already mentioned this to
>Ted earlier in the day.
>Turns out they use to go to the Hill to watch all the
>N.C.U One Mile Tandem Championships they had seen all
>the greats Sibbit & Chambers, Burgess & Pond, Harrison
>& Hampshire and of course Harris & Bannister.
>Well I had to ask if they knew of any brother pairings
>from this period and they said of course the Bond
>brothers Maidenhead C&A.C.
>Are these your men?
>Best wishes Mick. The cakes were crap won't stop there again.
>Thats all for now. Keep those wheels spinning, in your memories if not
>still on the road. Be lucky Mick Butler Huntingdon UK.