Snipped: "I read Brian Baylis's recent diatribe about doing P-B-P or similar rides. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.......Brian, have you lost your mind?
Lou Deeter, Orlando FL"
On our local club rides, the classic look has given way to carbon, but I regularly see vintage bikes on the brevets like Brian mentions. The fact is, many of the bikes we love make excellent randonneuring bikes, as do the KOF bikes by Weigle and Heron and Rivendell and others. Their geometry is comfortable on the long haul, fenders and lights and bags are easily mounted, and they can accommodate slightly wider tires.
For riders interested in putting their vintage bikes through the paces on a
400K or 600K, check out
On the last PBP, I rode my Silk Hope that is pictured on Dale's website but
with a different set-up.
Mike Dayton
Editor, American Randonneur
Raleigh, NC