RE: [CR]Raleigh Profesional Colour scheme

(Example: Framebuilders:Doug Fattic)

Subject: RE: [CR]Raleigh Profesional Colour scheme
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 07:33:37 -0800
Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Thread-Topic: [CR]Raleigh Profesional Colour scheme
Thread-Index: AcYAnZVLw52mFuO4RbedrQNQv/QByAAI9ofg
From: "Mark Bulgier" <>
To: "alister browne" <>, <>

Grant Browne wrote:
> In the 1974 Raleigh catalogue, the Professional is described
> as being available in mink blue and silver, or black and silver.
> Has anyone seen a black and silver raleigh professional?
> Any images would be greatly appreciated!

Here's the page o' pics I took of a rusty ugly silver/black one I sold earlier this year: - fork is not original but has a freakishly accurate color match to the frame.

For a look at how they were , here's the catalog page:

Well, "supposed to look" EXCEPT for the pedal reflectors, toe straps run through the buckle wrong, front QR skewer on the wrong side, derailleur cables cut too long, rear brake cable routed over the wrong side of the headset, TT clips spaced funny, and front brake cable not connected! Oh and seriously, who uses valve caps? Rotating mass, man! That and the Carlton transfer in the very middle of the seat tube seems to not be there - the one that "fell off" on the rusty one linked to above, so neither page shows that transfer, though they all had it. Seems to have been a very weak transfer, so many Raleighs of the period have it at least partially flaked off.

Mark Bulgier
Seattle WA USA