Super DeeJay Kamenjas wrote:
>" p.s. shouldn't H. Stone get some kickback for being quoted in the
> recent "oh-my-yahweh-that's-lotsa-money" Simplex auction ?? no
> disrepect to seller or quotee but if'n things go for crazy money like
> that surely some material props is owed for intellectual property or
> sumtin' like that. If anyone is deranged enough to quote my words on an
> ebay auction and they strike it big then please send me vintage
> champagne or european porn (or both). nah ... actually, send me a BVVW
> jersey. Them is rare, man !!!"
And i say:
Kid.lemme tell ya,if quoting ya ,makes me strike big,ill send you Hugh Hefner personal cell number.He will send u back a video msg with tthe swe dish bikini team wearin a brand new BVVW jersey*!Sorry PErg,i shouldnt ha ve told the list,but we all now that you have preferences with the membe rs...not that i dont believe that you wanna take care of the overseas cu stomers first!
Matteo Brandi Firenze Italy
ps:*make those wet.....