[CR]RE: Baldy Ride Update--SoCal riders take note! and New Email for me

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PX-10LE)

From: "John" <mrsummit@adelphia.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>, "'Matthew Gorski'" <bikenut@verizon.net>, "'C. Andrews'" <chasds@mindspring.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 08:29:19 -0800
Thread-Index: AcYAxSlpH7iSvuZCRTSwIb4j0zZbvAAAg0Iw
In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODsNLUW8Sw200001f7b@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]RE: Baldy Ride Update--SoCal riders take note! and New Email for me

Hey Matt, Charles and the SoCal "CR" gang, Hmmm?? We are planning on being there, I need to get the Phil, disc?, brake hooked up on the Mercian, no guarantee we make it to the top??, as we have not been doing much riding at all!! We are also recovering from the creeping crud cold....... though we won't be contagious, for any of you who haven't shared in this wonderful experience..... Also, here's my new email, mrsummit@adelphia.net, Hope to see y'all at the top!! A question..... would it be inappropriate to not be riding a vintage bike?? Merry Christmas to all you vintage cycling enthusiasts from, The John'n'Stacy'tandemteam, Anaheim hills, SoCal

Original message -------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 21:34:47 -0800 From: "Matthew Gorski" <bikenut@verizon.net> To: "'C. Andrews'" <chasds@mindspring.com>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: [CR]RE: Baldy Ride Update--SoCal riders take note! Message-ID: <001301c60070$189605a0$9200a8c0@thebikenang719> In-Reply-To: <005901c6000f$9efa96d0$6401a8c0@oemcomputer> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 2

So who is riding what???

Matt "bad cold now but psyched for Sunday" Gorski Belmont Shore, Ca


Our little ride to Baldy Village is looking good! Weather is forecast to be partly cloudy and cool. Perfect!

I've checked with several agencies, including the Forest Rangers (who have to be told about road closures), and Glendora Mountain Road will be open to the usual bicycle- and foot-traffic.

One of the great things about this ride is that the entire climb is car-free! Glendora Mountain Road is closed to motorized traffic!

The ride from the base of Glendora Mountain Road to Baldy Village is among the most scenic in Southern California (it's one of Chris Kostman's favorite rides...although he'd probably start from Pacoima..<g> )...

I hope to see a bunch of SoCal CR list members. So far the crew includes:

Jack Bissell Charles Andrews Chuck Schmidt Matt Gorski Joe Decruyenaere and friend Sterling Peters Brian Baylis Will Handsfield Davis Jensen

Hey, John Morrison, you coming?

The ride starts at Pioneer Park in Azusa, on the corner of Sierra Madre and Dalton. Mapquest will show the way. The ride will leave as close to 10am as we can manage. It's pretty much an all-day affair. We'll ride up to Baldy Village, then straight down Baldy Road. We'll have a late lunch in Claremont. The entire ride is about 40 miles, or a little under, 22 miles of climbing up to the Village, a long down hill, and otherwise flat.

If you're concerned about the ride being difficult, don't be. The initial climb up Glendora Mountain road is challenging, but if you come with the right alpine gears, it's no big deal. The rest of the ride is a series of long switchbacks at a very slight grade. Some will do it in a hurry, others (like me) will be bog-slow, so don't worry about being left behind... We regroup at various places along the route for pictures and socializing. Bring a camera.

See you there!

Charles Andrews SoCal

Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.

--Kenneth Boulding