RE: [CR]Who brought the bike racing game to Cirque in 2003?

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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Who brought the bike racing game to Cirque in 2003?
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 11:52:01 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR]Who brought the bike racing game to Cirque in 2003?
Thread-Index: AcYLA4IT/sR2/22cTLe/RII3UKI6/ABkn8uA
From: "Bingham, Wayne" <>
To: <>, <>

Brian correctly identifies me as the culprit. The game did indeed originally belong to mutual friend Rex Gilmore, who gave it to me. I have since passed it along to another caretaker, with the expressed stipulation that I have access to it anytime. I think it may have to make a return engagement to Cirque 2006. Start saving your gambling money now!

Rex, and another mutual friend, Ed Kinney (both now living here in the area), were racers in CA in the early days, and were also mutual friends with Dave Staub and many others in the Southern CA scene at the time. I initially discovered this not from Rex or Ed, but through a random conversation with Dave while sitting next to him at the Cirque closing dinner. Don't even remember how it came up in conversation now, but it was a great moment for both me and Dave.

Moments like this that happen at the Cirque......Priceless!!

Wayne Bingham Lovettsville VA


Wayne Bingham brought the game. I believe the game actually belongs to R ex Gilmore, a mutual friend of ours, now living out east near Wayne.

Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA

-- "Aldo Ross" wrote:

Title says it all. Who brought the bicycle racing game to Cirque in


Aldo Ross<<<