Re: [CR]Need Help ID-ing a Campy Seatpost

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: "john barron- velostuf" <>
To: "Brook Watts" <>
References: <015501c60d62$e5b1f900$6401a8c0@Velostuf> <p06110406bfdb1afa6bf6@[]> <016f01c60d64$f73404f0$6401a8c0@Velostuf> <p0611040fbfdb4394f01f@[]>
Subject: Re: [CR]Need Help ID-ing a Campy Seatpost
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 14:19:40 -0600

Lee Berg has made an important point which throws me back into uncertainty. The catalog that I have simply sez "RECORD" on the front with red and black ink (n. 19?). Inside it shows the round, no flute, non-aero C-Record seatpost that looks pretty much exactly like mine! I can't tell what it sez near the limit line, but it looks like it has a standard hex head, bolt- not an allen head bolt.

Brook may be summing it up best now by stating that it's late SR/C-Record. There's excellent arguments on both sides.

Dammit- I want to pigeon-hole everything! None of this gray stuf. Black and white please!

Oh well. I'll be OK... :-)


John Barron

----- Original Message -----
From: Brook Watts
To: john barron- velostuf
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Need Help ID-ing a Campy Seatpost

>I definitely think it's later period SR/C-Record. To say Campy was using
>left overs and mixing & matching stuff that isn't reflected in contemporary
>catalogs IS NOT a knock on them in my estimation. So much of this stuff
>came from suppliers and contractors, it was wise business to get it out on
>the market, especially when put in context of the times: Campy was not as
>strong as today having faced the Japanese treat (road AND mtb) in a rather
>blase manner that backfired. Valentinos first years in charge must have
>been troubling to him, he knew he had a great product/heritage but couldn't
>hit anything but fould balls!
> Brook
>>No, there's no CAMPAGNOLO on the side...
>>B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l finish... you should be proud!
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Brook Watts" <>
>>To: "john barron- velostuf" <>
>>Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 11:13 AM
>>Subject: Re: [CR]Need Help ID-ing a Campy Seatpost
>>>Does it have Campagnolo engraved on the side of the shaft? Some
>>>late-SR/left over stock posts that I've seen had that. Nice finish, eh?
>>>>John Barron