Re: [CR]The Rene Herse Project

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: <>
To: Thomas Adams <>, CR List <>
Subject: Re: [CR]The Rene Herse Project
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 15:16:52 +0000

Herse's (and others) use of front changer for captain most likely predates the use of curved tubes.

As I understand it, this arangement works very well and there are far fewer chain alignment issues as a result. Also, if the captain is indeed the "boss", the captain also needs to be in control of shifting. With a hand actuated derailliuer, the front shifter must be by the captain.

But Herse also used this arangement on bikes with cable actuated front changers as well. So my guess is better chain line is the reason (and better shifting). If it worked better the other way, then it would have been done the "conventional way".

Mike Kone in Boudler CO

-------------- Original message --------------

> Also, the curved seat tube for the stoker would make it hard to fit a front mech
> in the conventional position, so I suspect that's why the changer and triple
> chainrings are on the Captains BB. Do you have to use a stronger spring for the
> rear derailleur with this set up? I suspect the chain bounces around like
> crazy.
> Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ
> dave martinez wrote:
> Hello Kim,
> Regarding the chain line on the tandem, its correct. We have a 1949 SiNGER
> that's set-up the same way. Advantage is that you can run large/large and
> small/small = more versatile gearing.
> The Nivex/Simplex combo on our tandem seems to handle it excellently.
> Regards,
> Dave Martinez
> late to work...
> Fremont Ca
> kim klakow wrote:
> Nice; brief, but nice. I will be able to supply some very fine pis of
> frenchies later this week, once I get my scanner set up.
> Isn't the chain set-up on the tandem wrong though?
> best,
> kim
> --
> Kim Klakow
> Diplom Grafik Designer
> +49172-1786481
> Berlin - Germany
> Highspeed-Freiheit. Bei GMX supergünstig, z.B. GMX DSL_Cityflat,
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