Re: [CR]Those first Generation SR brake levers: the whole "Holy cow, its

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Those first Generation SR brake levers: the whole "Holy cow, its
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 22:36:36 +0000

Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 09:31:41 -0800 (PST) From: Riccardo Bulissimo <> To: Subject: [CR]Those first Generation SR brake levers: the whole "Holy cow, its about the holiest of holes" story

Faster than you can say "Tullio would have it so", an email from the underbidder arrived in my inbox enlightening me regarding WHY those SR levers were indeed first generation and worthy of the high recent sales price. Since the info did not appear to be sent to the CR list ( for reasons I won't speculate on) I share it now:

"Although they were fitted with new, later version shield hoods and plastic grommets, they were, in fact, first generation levers, distinguished from later versions by drilled and countersunk holes. Later versions of SR levers had stamped holes that appeared to be countersunk, but on close inspection, particularly at the tips, the holes on later versions appear to be ovalized and stretched, the result of stamping flat sheets of alluminum beofore they were extruded into levers. See what I'm talking about on these later versions (incorrectly described as 1st gen levers). First gen levers, BTW, were available in long and short reach."

Everyone can now leap up from their workspaces and rush to there collections of SR levers to check on the holy status of thereof. Let's see who is first to discover they have the first type.... Riccardo Bulissimo Verdi (not so holy) Nevada

That would make them second-generation levers, then, as they are not long-reach. I believe that change occured around 1974-1975ish, so you yes there could be first- and second-gen SR levers with the drilled-not-pierced holes, but these were not first-generation ones. First gens. would be long-reach. I'll have to go back and look at the auction pics. again to see the drilled holes..... Greg Parker Ann Arbor, Michigan